
Whether you are a new or existing landlord, SJ Mellish Accountancy Ltd can offer you the best specialist advice that you require regarding property lettings.

Existing Landlords

You can leave the overall management of your books and accounts to SJ Mellish Accountancy.

We will be taking note and keeping track of your income & expenses whilst maximising your profits and minimising your tax liabilities.

  • Account Management
  • Bookkeeping Assistance
  • Tax Reduction Methods Consultancy

New Landlords

If you’re just recently entering the leasing industry and feeling lost about policies for landlords, our accountants can help you navigate your way through.

With extensive knowledge and experience in assisting new landlords, we guarantee you that our service will carefully push you to maximize your returns and leave your taxation at a bare minimum.

To reduce tax liabilities, here’s a few available suggested programs which may help you:

Tax Returns – This relief is qualified for you when you lived in your property at the same time as your lessees – or simply put, when you only let out a portion of your home. 


Principal Private Residence Relief – This relief exempts you from Capital Gains Tax (CGT) should you sell a property that, for the entire duration of your ownership, is your principal or main address and you have utilised its entirety as your residential home.
Wear and Tear Allowance– HM Revenue & Customs classifies allowances for wear and tear, which includes furniture and appliances – this helps offset the cost of replacing these movable assets.
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